Introduction: Welcome to our discussion on using the power of presence and how it leads to daily discoveries that can change our perspectives and lives.
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the beauty and insights that surround us; the "simple things". However, by staying present and mindful, we can unlock new ways of seeing and experiencing the world.
Today we’ll be exploring these themes in books about mindfulness, awareness, and daily discoveries.
Example Books:
Daily Discoveries by HC Learning
The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Awareness by Anthony de Mello
Waking Up by Sam Harris
The Art of Noticing by Rob Walker
Discussion Questions:
1.What’s one everyday activity that you didn’t pay much attention to before, but when you did, it gave you a new way of seeing things?
How did this change how you think about your daily routine or the world around you?
Which tips or ideas from the books above have helped you notice these moments more?
2. How do the authors suggest we can get better at staying present in our daily lives, and which idea works best for you?
Is there a technique or exercise from any of the books above or another book you've read that you’ve tried? How has it made you more aware?
How do you think being present can help you discover more in your daily life, and how might this change your perspective over time?
Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas and thoughts about these topics and beyond in regard to presence, mindfulness, perspective, and daily discoveries!